Project Structure

🔗 Project Structure

  • ESP32S3: Main MCU with dual-core XTensa LX7 MCU, running at 240 MHz, with 512 KB of internal SRAM.

See: ESP32S3 product page.

  • BT820: The 5th Generation Embedded Video Engine (EVE) with an SD card 32GB attached and an external 2GB DDR attached, an easy-to-use family of graphics controllers targeted at embedded applications to generate advanced high-quality Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs).

See: BT820 product page.

  • Display Screen: Touchscreen monitor to allow interaction, selection of filters, and photo preview.

  • Power suply: 5v.


Photobooth: Open-source software that display video and graphics at the same time, processes them with custom filters, also captures photos, and much more effects to showcase the capability of BT820 EVE.

Get it at: EW2024 Phototbooth source.