Brteve's API for EveApps
Version 0.0.1
The reference document for common folder of EveApps project.
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Gpu_CoCmd.h File Reference

Co-processor command definitions. More...

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#define Cmd_Getimage   EVE_CoCmd_getImage
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Getimage   EVE_CoCmd_getImage
#define Gpu_CoCmd_ClearCache   EVE_CoCmd_clearCache
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashAttach   EVE_CoCmd_flashAttach
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashDetach   EVE_CoCmd_flashDetach
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashErase   EVE_CoCmd_flashErase
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashFast   EVE_CoCmd_flashFast
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashRead   EVE_CoCmd_flashRead
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashUpdate   EVE_CoCmd_flashUpdate
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcache   EVE_CoCmd_fontCache
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcachequery   EVE_CoCmd_fontCacheQuery
#define Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStartF   EVE_CoCmd_videoStartF
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSource   EVE_CoCmd_flashSource
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Nop   EVE_CoCmd_nop
#define Gpu_CoCmd_GradientA   EVE_CoCmd_gradientA
#define Gpu_CoCmd_RotateAround   EVE_CoCmd_rotateAround
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate2   EVE_CoCmd_inflate2
#define Gpu_CoCmd_ResetFonts   EVE_CoCmd_resetFonts
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Wait   EVE_CoCmd_wait
#define Gpu_CoCmd_RunAnim   EVE_CoCmd_runAnim
#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrameRam   EVE_CoCmd_animFrameRam
#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStartRam   EVE_CoCmd_animStartRam
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Calllist   EVE_CoCmd_callList
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Newlist   EVE_CoCmd_newList
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Endlist   EVE_CoCmd_endList
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimDraw   EVE_CoCmd_animDraw
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrame   EVE_CoCmd_animFrame
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrameRam   EVE_CoCmd_animFrameRam
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStart   EVE_CoCmd_animStart
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStop   EVE_CoCmd_animStop
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStartRam   EVE_CoCmd_animStartRam
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimXY   EVE_CoCmd_animXY
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Apilevel   EVE_CoCmd_apiLevel
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Append   EVE_CoCmd_append
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AppendF   EVE_CoCmd_appendF
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_BgColor   EVE_CoCmd_bgColor
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform   EVE_CoCmd_bitmapTransform
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_BitmapTransform   EVE_CoCmd_bitmapTransform
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Button   EVE_CoCmd_button
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calibrate   EVE_CoCmd_calibrate
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calibratesub   EVE_CoCmd_calibrateSub
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calllist   EVE_CoCmd_callList
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ClearCache   EVE_CoCmd_clearCache
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Clock   EVE_CoCmd_clock
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ColdStart   EVE_CoCmd_coldStart
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_CSketch   EVE_CoCmd_cSketch
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Dial   EVE_CoCmd_dial
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_DlStart   EVE_CoCmd_dlStart
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Endlist   EVE_CoCmd_endList
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FgColor   EVE_CoCmd_fgColor
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FillWidth   EVE_CoCmd_fillWidth
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashAttach   EVE_CoCmd_flashAttach
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashDetach   EVE_CoCmd_flashDetach
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashErase   EVE_CoCmd_flashErase
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashFast   EVE_CoCmd_flashFast
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSource   EVE_CoCmd_flashSource
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiDesel   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiDesel
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiRx   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiRx
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiTx   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiTx
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashUpdate   EVE_CoCmd_flashUpdate
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashWrite   EVE_CoCmd_flashWrite
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcache   EVE_CoCmd_fontCache
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcachequery   EVE_CoCmd_fontCacheQuery
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gauge   EVE_CoCmd_gauge
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetMatrix   EVE_CoCmd_getMatrix
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Getpoint   EVE_CoCmd_getpoint
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetPtr   EVE_CoCmd_getPtr
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GradColor   EVE_CoCmd_gradColor
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gradient   EVE_CoCmd_gradient
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GradientA   EVE_CoCmd_gradientA
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Hsf   EVE_CoCmd_hsf
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate   EVE_CoCmd_inflate
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate2   EVE_CoCmd_inflate2
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Interrupt   EVE_CoCmd_interrupt
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Keys   EVE_CoCmd_keys
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadIdentity   EVE_CoCmd_loadIdentity
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage   EVE_CoCmd_loadImage
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Logo   EVE_CoCmd_logo
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MediaFifo   EVE_CoCmd_mediaFifo
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCpy   EVE_CoCmd_memCpy
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCrc   EVE_CoCmd_memCrc
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemSet   EVE_CoCmd_memSet
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemWrite   EVE_CoCmd_memWrite
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemZero   EVE_CoCmd_memZero
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Newlist   EVE_CoCmd_newList
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Nop   EVE_CoCmd_nop
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Number   EVE_CoCmd_number
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_PlayVideo   EVE_CoCmd_playVideo
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Progress   EVE_CoCmd_progress
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RegRead   EVE_CoCmd_regRead
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ResetFonts   EVE_CoCmd_resetFonts
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RomFont   EVE_CoCmd_romFont
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Rotate   EVE_CoCmd_rotate
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RotateAround   EVE_CoCmd_rotateAround
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RunAnim   EVE_CoCmd_runAnim
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scale   EVE_CoCmd_scale
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ScreenSaver   EVE_CoCmd_screenSaver
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scrollbar   EVE_CoCmd_scrollbar
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBase   EVE_CoCmd_setBase
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBitmap   EVE_CoCmd_setBitmap
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont   EVE_CoCmd_setFont
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont2   EVE_CoCmd_setFont2
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetMatrix   EVE_CoCmd_setMatrix
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetRotate   EVE_CoCmd_setRotate
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetScratch   EVE_CoCmd_setScratch
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sketch   EVE_CoCmd_sketch
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Slider   EVE_CoCmd_slider
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot   EVE_CoCmd_snapshot
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot2   EVE_CoCmd_snapshot2
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Spinner   EVE_CoCmd_spinner
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Stop   EVE_CoCmd_stop
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Swap   EVE_CoCmd_swap
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sync   EVE_CoCmd_sync
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Pclkfreq   EVE_CoCmd_pclkFreq
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Testcard   EVE_CoCmd_testCard
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text   EVE_CoCmd_text
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Toggle   EVE_CoCmd_toggle
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Touch_Transform   EVE_CoCmd_touchTransform
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Track   EVE_CoCmd_track
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Translate   EVE_CoCmd_translate
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoFrame   EVE_CoCmd_videoFrame
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStart   EVE_CoCmd_videoStart
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStartF   EVE_CoCmd_videoStartF
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Wait   EVE_CoCmd_wait
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text_S   EVE_CoCmd_text_s
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text_Ex   EVE_CoCmd_text_ex
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage_Flash   EVE_CoCmd_loadImage_flash
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate_Flash   EVE_CoCmd_inflate_flash
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage_ProgMem   EVE_CoCmd_loadImage_progMem
#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate_ProgMem   EVE_CoCmd_inflate_progMem
#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetBitmap   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBitmap
#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetScratch   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetScratch
#define Gpu_CoCmd_RomFont   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RomFont
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Text   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Number   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Number
#define Gpu_CoCmd_LoadIdentity   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadIdentity
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Toggle   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Toggle
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Gauge   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gauge
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FillWidth   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FillWidth
#define Gpu_CoCmd_RegRead   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RegRead
#define Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStart   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStart
#define Gpu_CoCmd_GetProps   EVE_CoCmd_getProps
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Memcpy   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCpy
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Spinner   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Spinner
#define Gpu_CoCmd_BgColor   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_BgColor
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Swap   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Swap
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Translate   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Translate
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Stop   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Stop
#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetBase   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBase
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Slider   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Slider
#define Gpu_CoCmd_VideoFrame   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoFrame
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Interrupt   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Interrupt
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FgColor   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FgColor
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Rotate   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Rotate
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Button   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Button
#define Gpu_CoCmd_MemWrite   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemWrite
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Scrollbar   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scrollbar
#define Gpu_CoCmd_GetMatrix   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetMatrix
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Sketch   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sketch
#define Gpu_CoCmd_CSketch   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_CSketch
#define Gpu_CoCmd_PlayVideo   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_PlayVideo
#define Gpu_CoCmd_MemSet   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemSet
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Calibrate(phost, r)   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calibrate((phost))
#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform
#define Gpu_CoCmd_BitmapTransform   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform
#define Gpu_CoCmd_GradColor   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GradColor
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Append   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Append
#define Gpu_CoCmd_MemZero   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemZero
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Scale   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scale
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Clock   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Clock
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Gradient   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gradient
#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetMatrix   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetMatrix
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Track   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Track
#define Gpu_CoCmd_GetPtr   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetPtr
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Progress   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Progress
#define Gpu_CoCmd_ColdStart   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ColdStart
#define Gpu_CoCmd_MediaFifo   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MediaFifo
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Keys   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Keys
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Dial   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Dial
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot2   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot2
#define Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage
#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont2   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont2
#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetRotate   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetRotate
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Dlstart   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_DlStart
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot
#define Gpu_CoCmd_ScreenSaver   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ScreenSaver
#define Gpu_CoCmd_MemCrc   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCrc
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Logo   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Logo
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Sync   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sync
#define Gpu_CoCmd_Pclkfreq   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Pclkfreq
#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStart   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStart
#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStop   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStop
#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimXY   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimXY
#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimDraw   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimDraw
#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrame   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrame
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashWrite   EVE_CoCmd_flashWrite
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiTx   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiTx
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiRx   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiRx
#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiDesel   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiDesel
#define Gpu_CoCmd_AppendF   EVE_CoCmd_appendF


static bool Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashRead (EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t dest, uint32_t src, uint32_t num)

Detailed Description

Co-processor command definitions.


MIT License

Copyright (c) [2019] [Bridgetek Pte Ltd (BRTChip)]

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Definition in file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ Cmd_Getimage

#define Cmd_Getimage   EVE_CoCmd_getImage

Definition at line 67 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimDraw

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimDraw   EVE_CoCmd_animDraw

Definition at line 94 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrame

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrame   EVE_CoCmd_animFrame

Definition at line 95 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrameRam

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrameRam   EVE_CoCmd_animFrameRam

Definition at line 96 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStart

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStart   EVE_CoCmd_animStart

Definition at line 97 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStartRam

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStartRam   EVE_CoCmd_animStartRam

Definition at line 99 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStop

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStop   EVE_CoCmd_animStop

Definition at line 98 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimXY

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimXY   EVE_CoCmd_animXY

Definition at line 100 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Apilevel

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Apilevel   EVE_CoCmd_apiLevel

Definition at line 101 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Append

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Append   EVE_CoCmd_append

Definition at line 102 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AppendF

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AppendF   EVE_CoCmd_appendF

Definition at line 103 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_BgColor

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_BgColor   EVE_CoCmd_bgColor

Definition at line 104 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform   EVE_CoCmd_bitmapTransform

Definition at line 105 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_BitmapTransform

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_BitmapTransform   EVE_CoCmd_bitmapTransform

Definition at line 106 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Button

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Button   EVE_CoCmd_button

Definition at line 107 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calibrate

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calibrate   EVE_CoCmd_calibrate

Definition at line 108 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calibratesub

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calibratesub   EVE_CoCmd_calibrateSub

Definition at line 109 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calllist

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calllist   EVE_CoCmd_callList

Definition at line 110 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ClearCache

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ClearCache   EVE_CoCmd_clearCache

Definition at line 111 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Clock

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Clock   EVE_CoCmd_clock

Definition at line 112 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ColdStart

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ColdStart   EVE_CoCmd_coldStart

Definition at line 113 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_CSketch

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_CSketch   EVE_CoCmd_cSketch

Definition at line 115 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Dial

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Dial   EVE_CoCmd_dial

Definition at line 116 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_DlStart

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_DlStart   EVE_CoCmd_dlStart

Definition at line 117 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Endlist

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Endlist   EVE_CoCmd_endList

Definition at line 118 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FgColor

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FgColor   EVE_CoCmd_fgColor

Definition at line 119 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FillWidth

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FillWidth   EVE_CoCmd_fillWidth

Definition at line 120 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashAttach

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashAttach   EVE_CoCmd_flashAttach

Definition at line 121 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashDetach

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashDetach   EVE_CoCmd_flashDetach

Definition at line 122 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashErase

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashErase   EVE_CoCmd_flashErase

Definition at line 123 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashFast

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashFast   EVE_CoCmd_flashFast

Definition at line 124 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSource

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSource   EVE_CoCmd_flashSource

Definition at line 131 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiDesel

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiDesel   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiDesel

Definition at line 132 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiRx

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiRx   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiRx

Definition at line 133 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiTx

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiTx   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiTx

Definition at line 134 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashUpdate

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashUpdate   EVE_CoCmd_flashUpdate

Definition at line 135 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashWrite

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashWrite   EVE_CoCmd_flashWrite

Definition at line 136 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcache

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcache   EVE_CoCmd_fontCache

Definition at line 137 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcachequery

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcachequery   EVE_CoCmd_fontCacheQuery

Definition at line 138 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gauge

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gauge   EVE_CoCmd_gauge

Definition at line 139 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetMatrix

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetMatrix   EVE_CoCmd_getMatrix

Definition at line 140 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Getpoint

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Getpoint   EVE_CoCmd_getpoint

Definition at line 141 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetPtr

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetPtr   EVE_CoCmd_getPtr

Definition at line 142 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GradColor

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GradColor   EVE_CoCmd_gradColor

Definition at line 143 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gradient

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gradient   EVE_CoCmd_gradient

Definition at line 144 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GradientA

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GradientA   EVE_CoCmd_gradientA

Definition at line 145 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Hsf

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Hsf   EVE_CoCmd_hsf

Definition at line 146 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate   EVE_CoCmd_inflate

Definition at line 147 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate2

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate2   EVE_CoCmd_inflate2

Definition at line 148 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate_Flash

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate_Flash   EVE_CoCmd_inflate_flash

Definition at line 203 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate_ProgMem

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate_ProgMem   EVE_CoCmd_inflate_progMem

Definition at line 205 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Interrupt

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Interrupt   EVE_CoCmd_interrupt

Definition at line 149 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Keys

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Keys   EVE_CoCmd_keys

Definition at line 150 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadIdentity

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadIdentity   EVE_CoCmd_loadIdentity

Definition at line 151 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage   EVE_CoCmd_loadImage

Definition at line 152 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage_Flash

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage_Flash   EVE_CoCmd_loadImage_flash

Definition at line 202 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage_ProgMem

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage_ProgMem   EVE_CoCmd_loadImage_progMem

Definition at line 204 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Logo

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Logo   EVE_CoCmd_logo

Definition at line 153 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MediaFifo

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MediaFifo   EVE_CoCmd_mediaFifo

Definition at line 154 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCpy

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCpy   EVE_CoCmd_memCpy

Definition at line 155 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCrc

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCrc   EVE_CoCmd_memCrc

Definition at line 156 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemSet

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemSet   EVE_CoCmd_memSet

Definition at line 157 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemWrite

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemWrite   EVE_CoCmd_memWrite

Definition at line 158 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemZero

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemZero   EVE_CoCmd_memZero

Definition at line 159 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Newlist

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Newlist   EVE_CoCmd_newList

Definition at line 160 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Nop

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Nop   EVE_CoCmd_nop

Definition at line 161 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Number

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Number   EVE_CoCmd_number

Definition at line 162 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Pclkfreq

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Pclkfreq   EVE_CoCmd_pclkFreq

Definition at line 189 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_PlayVideo

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_PlayVideo   EVE_CoCmd_playVideo

Definition at line 163 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Progress

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Progress   EVE_CoCmd_progress

Definition at line 164 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RegRead

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RegRead   EVE_CoCmd_regRead

Definition at line 165 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ResetFonts

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ResetFonts   EVE_CoCmd_resetFonts

Definition at line 166 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RomFont

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RomFont   EVE_CoCmd_romFont

Definition at line 167 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Rotate

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Rotate   EVE_CoCmd_rotate

Definition at line 168 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RotateAround

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RotateAround   EVE_CoCmd_rotateAround

Definition at line 169 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RunAnim

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RunAnim   EVE_CoCmd_runAnim

Definition at line 170 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scale

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scale   EVE_CoCmd_scale

Definition at line 171 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ScreenSaver

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ScreenSaver   EVE_CoCmd_screenSaver

Definition at line 172 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scrollbar

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scrollbar   EVE_CoCmd_scrollbar

Definition at line 173 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBase

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBase   EVE_CoCmd_setBase

Definition at line 174 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBitmap

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBitmap   EVE_CoCmd_setBitmap

Definition at line 175 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont   EVE_CoCmd_setFont

Definition at line 176 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont2

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont2   EVE_CoCmd_setFont2

Definition at line 177 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetMatrix

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetMatrix   EVE_CoCmd_setMatrix

Definition at line 178 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetRotate

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetRotate   EVE_CoCmd_setRotate

Definition at line 179 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetScratch

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetScratch   EVE_CoCmd_setScratch

Definition at line 180 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sketch

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sketch   EVE_CoCmd_sketch

Definition at line 181 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Slider

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Slider   EVE_CoCmd_slider

Definition at line 182 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot   EVE_CoCmd_snapshot

Definition at line 183 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot2

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot2   EVE_CoCmd_snapshot2

Definition at line 184 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Spinner

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Spinner   EVE_CoCmd_spinner

Definition at line 185 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Stop

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Stop   EVE_CoCmd_stop

Definition at line 186 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Swap

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Swap   EVE_CoCmd_swap

Definition at line 187 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sync

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sync   EVE_CoCmd_sync

Definition at line 188 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Testcard

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Testcard   EVE_CoCmd_testCard

Definition at line 190 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text   EVE_CoCmd_text

Definition at line 191 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text_Ex

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text_Ex   EVE_CoCmd_text_ex

Definition at line 201 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text_S

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text_S   EVE_CoCmd_text_s

Definition at line 200 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Toggle

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Toggle   EVE_CoCmd_toggle

Definition at line 192 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Touch_Transform

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Touch_Transform   EVE_CoCmd_touchTransform

Definition at line 193 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Track

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Track   EVE_CoCmd_track

Definition at line 194 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Translate

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Translate   EVE_CoCmd_translate

Definition at line 195 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoFrame

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoFrame   EVE_CoCmd_videoFrame

Definition at line 196 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStart

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStart   EVE_CoCmd_videoStart

Definition at line 197 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStartF

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStartF   EVE_CoCmd_videoStartF

Definition at line 198 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Wait

#define Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Wait   EVE_CoCmd_wait

Definition at line 199 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_AnimDraw

#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimDraw   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimDraw

Definition at line 273 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrame

#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrame   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrame

Definition at line 274 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrameRam

#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimFrameRam   EVE_CoCmd_animFrameRam

Definition at line 88 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStart

#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStart   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStart

Definition at line 270 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStartRam

#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStartRam   EVE_CoCmd_animStartRam

Definition at line 89 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStop

#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStop   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimStop

Definition at line 271 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_AnimXY

#define Gpu_CoCmd_AnimXY   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_AnimXY

Definition at line 272 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Append

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Append   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Append

Definition at line 245 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_AppendF

#define Gpu_CoCmd_AppendF   EVE_CoCmd_appendF

Definition at line 281 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_BgColor

#define Gpu_CoCmd_BgColor   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_BgColor

Definition at line 221 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform

Definition at line 242 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_BitmapTransform

#define Gpu_CoCmd_BitmapTransform   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Bitmap_Transform

Definition at line 243 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Button

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Button   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Button

Definition at line 232 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Calibrate

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Calibrate (   phost,
)    Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Calibrate((phost))

Definition at line 240 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Calllist

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Calllist   EVE_CoCmd_callList

Definition at line 90 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_ClearCache

#define Gpu_CoCmd_ClearCache   EVE_CoCmd_clearCache

Definition at line 70 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Clock

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Clock   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Clock

Definition at line 248 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_ColdStart

#define Gpu_CoCmd_ColdStart   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ColdStart

Definition at line 254 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_CSketch

#define Gpu_CoCmd_CSketch   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_CSketch

Definition at line 237 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Dial

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Dial   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Dial

Definition at line 257 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Dlstart

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Dlstart   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_DlStart

Definition at line 262 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Endlist

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Endlist   EVE_CoCmd_endList

Definition at line 92 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FgColor

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FgColor   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FgColor

Definition at line 230 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FillWidth

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FillWidth   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FillWidth

Definition at line 215 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashAttach

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashAttach   EVE_CoCmd_flashAttach

Definition at line 71 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashDetach

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashDetach   EVE_CoCmd_flashDetach

Definition at line 72 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashErase

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashErase   EVE_CoCmd_flashErase

Definition at line 73 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashFast

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashFast   EVE_CoCmd_flashFast

Definition at line 74 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashRead

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashRead   EVE_CoCmd_flashRead

Definition at line 75 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSource

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSource   EVE_CoCmd_flashSource

Definition at line 80 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiDesel

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiDesel   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiDesel

Definition at line 279 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiRx

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiRx   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiRx

Definition at line 278 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiTx

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashSpiTx   EVE_CoCmd_flashSpiTx

Definition at line 277 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashUpdate

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashUpdate   EVE_CoCmd_flashUpdate

Definition at line 76 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_FlashWrite

#define Gpu_CoCmd_FlashWrite   EVE_CoCmd_flashWrite

Definition at line 276 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcache

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcache   EVE_CoCmd_fontCache

Definition at line 77 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcachequery

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Fontcachequery   EVE_CoCmd_fontCacheQuery

Definition at line 78 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Gauge

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Gauge   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gauge

Definition at line 214 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Getimage

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Getimage   EVE_CoCmd_getImage

Definition at line 68 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_GetMatrix

#define Gpu_CoCmd_GetMatrix   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetMatrix

Definition at line 235 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_GetProps

#define Gpu_CoCmd_GetProps   EVE_CoCmd_getProps

Definition at line 218 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_GetPtr

#define Gpu_CoCmd_GetPtr   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GetPtr

Definition at line 252 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_GradColor

#define Gpu_CoCmd_GradColor   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_GradColor

Definition at line 244 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Gradient

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Gradient   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Gradient

Definition at line 249 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_GradientA

#define Gpu_CoCmd_GradientA   EVE_CoCmd_gradientA

Definition at line 82 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate

Definition at line 223 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate2

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Inflate2   EVE_CoCmd_inflate2

Definition at line 84 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Interrupt

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Interrupt   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Interrupt

Definition at line 229 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Keys

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Keys   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Keys

Definition at line 256 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_LoadIdentity

#define Gpu_CoCmd_LoadIdentity   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadIdentity

Definition at line 212 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage

#define Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_LoadImage

Definition at line 259 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Logo

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Logo   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Logo

Definition at line 266 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_MediaFifo

#define Gpu_CoCmd_MediaFifo   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MediaFifo

Definition at line 255 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Memcpy

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Memcpy   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCpy

Definition at line 219 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_MemCrc

#define Gpu_CoCmd_MemCrc   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemCrc

Definition at line 265 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_MemSet

#define Gpu_CoCmd_MemSet   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemSet

Definition at line 239 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_MemWrite

#define Gpu_CoCmd_MemWrite   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemWrite

Definition at line 233 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_MemZero

#define Gpu_CoCmd_MemZero   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_MemZero

Definition at line 246 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Newlist

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Newlist   EVE_CoCmd_newList

Definition at line 91 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Nop

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Nop   EVE_CoCmd_nop

Definition at line 81 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Number

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Number   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Number

Definition at line 211 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Pclkfreq

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Pclkfreq   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Pclkfreq

Definition at line 268 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_PlayVideo

#define Gpu_CoCmd_PlayVideo   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_PlayVideo

Definition at line 238 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Progress

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Progress   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Progress

Definition at line 253 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_RegRead

#define Gpu_CoCmd_RegRead   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RegRead

Definition at line 216 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_ResetFonts

#define Gpu_CoCmd_ResetFonts   EVE_CoCmd_resetFonts

Definition at line 85 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_RomFont

#define Gpu_CoCmd_RomFont   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_RomFont

Definition at line 209 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Rotate

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Rotate   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Rotate

Definition at line 231 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_RotateAround

#define Gpu_CoCmd_RotateAround   EVE_CoCmd_rotateAround

Definition at line 83 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_RunAnim

#define Gpu_CoCmd_RunAnim   EVE_CoCmd_runAnim

Definition at line 87 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Scale

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Scale   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scale

Definition at line 247 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_ScreenSaver

#define Gpu_CoCmd_ScreenSaver   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_ScreenSaver

Definition at line 264 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Scrollbar

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Scrollbar   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Scrollbar

Definition at line 234 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_SetBase

#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetBase   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBase

Definition at line 226 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_SetBitmap

#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetBitmap   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetBitmap

Definition at line 207 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont

#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont

Definition at line 241 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont2

#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont2   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetFont2

Definition at line 260 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_SetMatrix

#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetMatrix   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetMatrix

Definition at line 250 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_SetRotate

#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetRotate   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetRotate

Definition at line 261 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_SetScratch

#define Gpu_CoCmd_SetScratch   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_SetScratch

Definition at line 208 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Sketch

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Sketch   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sketch

Definition at line 236 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Slider

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Slider   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Slider

Definition at line 227 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot

Definition at line 263 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot2

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot2   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Snapshot2

Definition at line 258 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Spinner

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Spinner   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Spinner

Definition at line 220 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Stop

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Stop   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Stop

Definition at line 225 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Swap

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Swap   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Swap

Definition at line 222 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Sync

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Sync   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Sync

Definition at line 267 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Text

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Text   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Text

Definition at line 210 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Toggle

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Toggle   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Toggle

Definition at line 213 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Track

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Track   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Track

Definition at line 251 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Translate

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Translate   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_Translate

Definition at line 224 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_VideoFrame

#define Gpu_CoCmd_VideoFrame   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoFrame

Definition at line 228 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStart

#define Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStart   Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStart

Definition at line 217 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStartF

#define Gpu_CoCmd_VideoStartF   EVE_CoCmd_videoStartF

Definition at line 79 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

◆ Gpu_CoCmd_Wait

#define Gpu_CoCmd_Wait   EVE_CoCmd_wait

Definition at line 86 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

Function Documentation

◆ Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashRead()

static bool Ft_Gpu_CoCmd_FlashRead ( EVE_HalContext phost,
uint32_t  dest,
uint32_t  src,
uint32_t  num 

Definition at line 126 of file Gpu_CoCmd.h.

128 EVE_CoCmd_flashRead(phost, dest, src, num);
129 return EVE_Cmd_waitFlush(phost);
static void EVE_CoCmd_flashRead(EVE_HalContext *phost, uint32_t dest, uint32_t src, uint32_t num)
Read from Flash to RAM_G. Call EVE_Cmd_waitFlush to wait for completion.
Definition EVE_CoCmd.h:679
void EVE_Cmd_waitFlush(EVE_HalContext *host)
Definition Gpu_Hal.cpp:775