| Common.c |
| Common functions.
| Common.h |
| Common functions.
| FileIo.c |
| File read-write library for Eve application, support a unique interface for every platform.
| FileIo.h |
| File read-write library for Eve application, support a unique interface for every platform.
| FileTransfer.c |
| File transfer interface from host to flash.
| FileTransfer.h |
| File transfer interface from host to flash.
| FlashHelper.c |
| Eve's connected flash helper functions.
| FlashHelper.h |
| Eve's connected flash helper functions.
| Gesture.c |
| Gesture for touch screen.
| Gesture.h |
| Gesture for touch screen.
| Image.c |
| Image helper functions.
| Image.h |
| Image helper functions.
| Logo.c |
| Draw BRT logo.
| Logo.h |
| Draw BRT logo.
| Maths.c |
| Mathematic utilities.
| Maths.h |
| Mathematic utilities.