▼ common | |
▼ application | |
▼ Arduino | |
Gpu_Hal.cpp | GPU APIs |
Hal_I2C.cpp | This file contains apis related to i2c |
Hal_I2C.h | This file contains apis related to i2c |
Platform.h | This file contains platform settings |
sdcard.h | This file contains apis related to sdcard |
▼ fatfs | |
▼ source | |
diskio.h | |
diskio_ft9xx.c | FT9XX implementation of the diskIO |
diskio_rp2040.c | RP2040 implementation of the diskIO |
ff.c | |
ff.h | |
ffconf.h | |
ffsystem.c | |
ffunicode.c | |
Common.c | Common functions |
Common.h | Common functions |
FileIo.c | File read-write library for Eve application, support a unique interface for every platform |
FileIo.h | File read-write library for Eve application, support a unique interface for every platform |
FileTransfer.c | File transfer interface from host to flash |
FileTransfer.h | File transfer interface from host to flash |
FlashHelper.c | Eve's connected flash helper functions |
FlashHelper.h | Eve's connected flash helper functions |
Gesture.c | Gesture for touch screen |
Gesture.h | Gesture for touch screen |
Image.c | Image helper functions |
Image.h | Image helper functions |
Logo.c | Draw BRT logo |
Logo.h | Draw BRT logo |
Maths.c | Mathematic utilities |
Maths.h | Mathematic utilities |
▼ eve_hal | |
▼ Hdr | |
bt8xxemu.h | BT8XX Emulator Library |
bt8xxemu_inttypes.h | BT8XX Emulator Library |
FT_DataTypes.h | Data type |
FT_Gpu.h | GPU APIs |
FT_Gpu_Hal.h | This file defines the generic APIs of phost access layer for the FT800 or EVE compatible silicon. Application shall access FT800 or EVE resources over these APIs,regardless of I2C or SPI protocol. In addition, there are some helper functions defined for FT800 coprocessor engine as well as phost commands |
FT_LoadFile.h | EVE's file loading |
FT_Platform.h | Platform APIs |
ftd2xx.h | Native USB device driver for FTDI FT232x, FT245x, FT2232x and FT4232x devices FTD2XX library definitions |
Gpu.h | GPU APIs |
Gpu_CoCmd.h | Co-processor command definitions |
Gpu_Hal.h | This file defines the generic APIs of phost access layer for the FT800 or EVE compatible silicon. Application shall access FT800 or EVE resources over these APIs,regardless of I2C or SPI protocol. In addition, there are some helper functions defined for FT800 coprocessor engine as well as phost commands |
Hal_Config.h | HAL layer congiguration |
LibFT4222.h | FT4222 APIs |
libMPSSE_spi.h | MPSSE APIs |
Platform.h | Platform APIs |
WinTypes.h | Window OS types |
EVE_Cmd.c | EVE's command read/write |
EVE_Cmd.h | EVE's command read/write |
EVE_CoCmd.c | EVE's co-processor commmands |
EVE_CoCmd.h | EVE's co-processor commmands |
EVE_CoCmd_IO.c | EVE's co-processor IO commmands |
EVE_CoCmd_State.c | EVE's co-processor command |
EVE_CoCmd_Widgets.c | EVE's co-processor command |
EVE_CoDl.c | EVE's co-processor command |
EVE_CoDl.h | EVE's co-processor command |
EVE_Config.h | This file processes the input definitions |
EVE_GpuDefs.h | Defines EVE hardware values |
EVE_GpuDefs_BT81X.c | Defines EVE hardware values for BT81X host platform |
EVE_GpuDefs_BT88X.c | Defines EVE hardware values for BT88X host platform |
EVE_GpuDefs_FT80X.c | Defines EVE hardware values for FT80X host platform |
EVE_GpuDefs_FT81X.c | Defines EVE hardware values for FT81X host platform |
EVE_GpuTypes.h | Defines EVE hardware values |
EVE_Hal.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs |
EVE_Hal.h | Main file to include the EVE HAL in your applications |
EVE_HalDefs.h | Eve_Hal framework APIs |
EVE_HalImpl.h | Eve_Hal framework APIs |
EVE_HalImpl_BT8XXEMU.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for EMULATOR host platform |
EVE_HalImpl_BT8XXEMUC.c | BT8XX Emulator Library |
EVE_HalImpl_FT4222.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for FT4222 host platform |
EVE_HalImpl_FT9XX.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for FT9XX host platform |
EVE_HalImpl_MPSSE.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for MPSSE host platform |
EVE_HalImpl_MULTI.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for generic host platform |
EVE_HalImpl_RP2040.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for RP2040 host platform |
EVE_HalImpl_WIN32.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for WIN32 host platform |
EVE_ILI9488.h | ILI9488 driver source |
EVE_ILI9488_FT9XX.c | ILI9488 driver source |
EVE_ILI9488_RP2040.c | ILI9488 driver source |
EVE_IntTypes.h | Eve_Hal framework APIs |
EVE_IntTypes_MSVC12.h | Eve_Hal framework APIs |
EVE_LoadFile.h | Eve_Hal framework APIs for loading file |
EVE_LoadFile_FATFS.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for loading file with FATFS |
EVE_LoadFile_STDIO.c | Eve_Hal framework APIs for loading file with POSIX |
EVE_MediaFifo.c | EVE's mediafifo controller |
EVE_MediaFifo.h | EVE's mediafifo controller |
EVE_Platform.h | Platform selector |
EVE_Platform_BT8XXEMU.h | EVE platform for EMULATOR |
EVE_Platform_FT4222.h | EVE platform for FT4222 |
EVE_Platform_FT9XX.h | EVE platform for FT9XX |
EVE_Platform_MPSSE.h | EVE platform for MPSSE |
EVE_Platform_RP2040.h | Eve_Hal framework APIs for RP2040 host platform |
EVE_Platform_WIN32.h | EVE platform for WIN32 |
EVE_Util.c | EVE HAL framework utilities |
EVE_Util.h | EVE HAL framework utilities |